Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Third posting - innovation

Today's subject is INNOVATION. Spent the afternoon with the R&D folks at my company, learning about and tasting benchtop ideas. Some of the most interesting ideas were related to temperature and flavors. Imagine a dessert with a cool temperature -- like pudding -- that also gives you a lingering "heat" in your mouth. Kind of like you've eaten a jalapeno pepper but can't taste the flavor of the pepper. And with flavors, imagine a beverage that tastes like milk (choc or strawberry) but is completely clear and colorless. Interesting stuff.

So last night I saw a band called Luna -- http://www.fuzzywuzzy.com/ -- at the Bowery Ballroom. It was their last night performance together EVER, and the bittersweet event was made ever cooler by the near blizzard outside. Great tunes, and the bass player is beautiful. Unfortunately the opening band Tarantula -- http://www.tarantulamusic.com/ -- sucked. There were some hints of interesting-ness (one of the guys is cellist) and a friend I went with thought it reminder her of French circus music, but overall, it was pretty bad (albeit innovative).

On a good note (and unrelated to innovation), my sister just told me she's running in the 23rd annual Armadillo Race in Florida. It's a day before my race, and I think we're both just hoping to finish with some semblance of respectability...


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