Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sixth posting - house

I have to move. My landlord made a decision that requires me to vacate my 'hood. I really like my apartment, and I couldn't have asked for better neighbors (think Melrose without the intrigue and much better food), and I'll be sorry to leave. BUT -- because there's always a BUT -- this has forced me to think about buying a place (or as my sister likes to call it, growing up). I hate it when external factors force me to make decisions like these, although things could be far worse...

On the plus side, I will finally get to join the ranks of people who own their own abodes. I actually look forward to finding a place that needs a little work -- the creative part of my life before graduate school has been lying in wait for the chance to emerge. Painting and fixing things should do the trick. As long as it's not electrical and plumbing related.

On the minus side, I was about to buy kick-ass bedroom furniture from a place called Room & Board http://www.roomandboard.com but now I need to be more financially fluid, as they say. Order cancelled. Nicest woman on the phone, though. Sounded like Betty White's grandmother. Her name was Vera and I felt doubly bad for cancelling the order.

That's it for now. NATHAN

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