Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sixty-eighth posting - back!


I’m back after a 3 month sabbatical. I can take these, right?

The Tour de France is happening. It’s summer in the Pacific Northwest. Things are good.

The only way I can think of catching you up with me and my life is by listing a few highlights, in no particular order…

Spent 2 days over Labor Day weekend in the Willamette Valley’s vineyards and wineries. I drank enough Pinot Noir for all of you, so don’t feel bad about missing it.

Have had 4 races since March. Portland Downtown Duathlon (1:50:15, 68th of 263), 10 mile Lake Run (1:18:00, 29th of 147), Helvetia Half Marathon (1:48:38, 262nd of 2163), and Musky 5K Run (21:48, 20th of 180?)

Signed up for Portland Marathon (October 1). Now if I can only figure out how to make a half marathon feel like a “short” run…

I welcomed myself to the neighborhood and among my new friends with a party a few months ago. Realized that my house’s capacity is about 30…but I know more Scotch drinkers than I thought...

Bought my first barbeque grill. Thanks to my friends in Johnsonville, Wisconsin, for providing the inaugural bratwurst. Pre-cooked them in beer, so they were perfect.

Attended my first (and last) bodybuilding competition. There were 6 amateur competitors from my office, and a group of us wanted to support them – and I was curious. Turns out I didn’t need more than about 45 minutes to understand that 1) I had no business being there, 2) I really didn’t have respect for the competitors (they called themselves athletes); it was more like a mild form of jealously combined with revulsion, 3) you CAN be too “close the action”, particularly when Speedos are involved, and 4) there is something freakish about jacked-out female body builders.

Have begun to enjoy doing yardwork. Don’t tell my parents, but keeping my yard and plants (and fishponds) in good shape is actually rewarding. I have absolutely no idea, however, how to use the automatic sprinkler system – prior owners left without the instructions, and I'm too lazy (and cheap) to ask for someone to come and fix it.

Still thinking about getting a dog…a shiba inu…although now I want one that’s strong enough to run with me.

I promise to be a better blog-updater, but for now, hang tight, and I'll get back more frequently when the TOUR DE FRANCE is over.


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